Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Semester 2 Week 3

Start buying the component and transformer.

To get the components for the inverter circuits.
To assemble components.


This week i went to Jalan Pasar to get this components:

1. 14 resistor which each have their own value
2. 4 diodes
3. 2 diode zener
4. 8 transistor (mosfet)
5. Ic LM555N (timer)
6. 2 E-capacitor
7. 2 Ceramic capacitor
8. Relay of 12V (5 pin)
9. Transformer 5A 12V-240V
10. Fuse
11. PCB board

Above are the components which are needed to build an inverter circuit its not cheap and very sensitive and its expensive. For the transformer there is ready made sell at Jalan Pasar.

Below are the components that had been bought at Jalan Pasar to make an  inverter circuit.

The Inverter components.

Before assembling the components, the PCB board need to sketch first. Sketch the connection of the components using the special marker to do the sketch. Here is the picture of the PCB which had been done.

Sketching the PCB 

After finish the sketching, i use the acid water to remove unwanted copper in the PCB. In order to get the sketching printed in the PCB i have to dip in the acid water and spin the acid for about 45 minutes to get the copper remove and the printed copper remain.Below are the  results of the the PCB that have been hatching.

Although there are some connection are loss due the hatching i can fix it with multimeter to check the connection continuity, solder and sand paper. to repair the losses of the connection due the hatching, First need to test the continuity with refering to the circuit diagram. Find the the losses along the connection then solder it to joint each other. Use sand paper make it thinner and softer. Refering to the picture above, the silver colour is the joint made from solder.


The component have been bought and hatching the PCB also had been successfully been made. The connection of the PCB has been tested and the hole on the PCB for the components leg have been done. Now i can proceed to next stage.

Semester 2 Week 2

The Inverter Simulation

To test the inverter circuits base on simulation.
To check the connection of the components.
To investigate the results.


I have done some research before on building the inverter circuit. so for my projects, i will need inverter to change the DC sources to AC sources. My projects will have 2 output sources which is 12V DC and 230V AC. But in order to get the AC signal. The inverter circuit is needed while to have the 230V output.

Below are the simulation results and the connection of the components in an inverter circuits

The connection and the results for the simulation.

The circuit had been tested, the connection is correct and the results for the simulation have been obtained. The simulation on inverter circuits is successful and now i can proceed to next stage which is do the actual inverter circuits.

Semester 2 Week 1


Start to types the thesis for chapter 1, 2 and 3. Also do some findings and survey for the hardware.


To finished the thesis chapter by chapter.
To identify where to find all the things needed for hardware installation.


During the semester break, i already start doing the thesis and some research for the material needed for hardware installation. For chapter 1, i will brief the introduction and the background  for my project and why i want to do this project. For chapter 2, i will state a few projects that have been done by other people, the comparison between their projects and mine including  the advantage and disadvantage of their project. There is no right or wrong of their projects and its the matter of where the projects is implements. For chapter 3, is about how i start the projects including hardware and the circuits that i will used to do this projects. this chapter is a methodology of the projects. When i have free time, i will off to jalan pasar to do a survey, finding which item or components are available and not available and write down on the paper. I also go to the hardware shop nearby to find some material for the hardware parts.


The conclusion that can be made for this week is stay in front of the laptop and start to do a paper work and getting as much information from the hardware shop and electronic shop at Jalan Pasar. Succesfully submit the chapter 1 and chapter 2 to Sir Suhairi as a projects advisor. For the chapter 3, i cant submit it yet because it is not finished and it will stay as a draft for a while.